Ancient Chinese Acupuncture dates back to more than five thousand years ago. This form of therapy is likely to have developed after massage and acupressure therapies. It is done using needles that are inserted on the systemic meridians.
Ancient Chinese Acupuncture was used treat injuries and lesions. This was the specialty of acupuncturists. The acupuncturist of China considered this valuable skill of theirs to treat people with inabilities. This was to enable them to keep on working. Other acupuncturists still appreciate this school of thought.
The medicine of China is a Daoist creation that looked at the nature pattern so as to understand the human body, spirit and mind. The transformation of seasons, the growth of plants, and the flow of water inspired early Daoist, sagacious and doctors. The disease process of the human body was studied with the external natural events and it was observed that both these processes are the same. Instant floods can ruin the crops, and drinking too much water during a meal can spoil the digestion process. On the other hand, drought can lead to fire just like dry cough can turn into the fire of bloody cough as well as fever.
Scientist agree that ancient Chinese acupuncture works in many ways that are unknown. Most of research have shown that this form of therapy consistently triggers the release of a considerable amount of endorphins. It is the best way to cure blood pressure and improve blood circulation. It is also the aid to trigger the body's self-repairing system when its immunity becomes low.